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A rather embarrassing question, but one I must ask as it's the truth and it's unlikely to change.


I can't grasp how to use chopsticks. I tried "training" chopsticks, but it's just not working and due to being on a computer more than 75% of my life, my hands tighten up on occasion with possible arthritis. 


My question is this.


Will I be able to get around this in Bangkok using western utensils? If so, do most restaurants have them?


Thanks in advance for your help

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Just don't go to any Chinese or Japanese restaurants and you should be fine.


Those and the tourist places are where you'd usually see them, but most Thai people don't seem to use them much prefer fork and spoon.

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Thanks everyone for the info. It does appear there could be issues based on what kind of restaurants I go to. Seems like bringing along some plastic utensils might be in order.

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Thai’s don’t use chopsticks.


The usual utensils are spoon and fork.


The use the fork to push food onto the spoon and use the spoon to bring food to the mouth.


You will not see Thai’s using forks to bring food to their mouth.


They do like to arrange different tastes and flavors into the spoon so that every spoonful is properly seasoned.


Find a Thai girl to feed you and you’ll avoid any hassle

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