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  1. I think it might depend on how early you start treating it, but regardless, it ain't as life threatening as hepc and HPV. Not an std expert by any means, so feel free to correct me.
  2. Chlamydia is nothing to worry about, easily treatable. You should be worrying about hep a, b and c (!), which you can get from giving oral. A&B shouldn't be a problem as there's a vaccine, but read up about hep c, you don't want to catch that shit. Also, HPV, capable of literally fucking your mouth by developing into a throat/mouth cancer. Sometimes no symptoms, sometimes warts, no cure apart from some strains clearing on their own in time (something like 1-2+ years). HIV is allegedly impossible to catch from cunnilingus, so wouldn't worry about that. But ofc it's up to you, if eating high risk demographic pussy in a not so well developed country sounds like a great idea to you, then, well, keep doing your thing and godspeed.
  3. Never done it with a bargirl, or a massage girl, not worth the risk. Some freelancers I've felt a good vibe on I've 69d. Still have 0 STDs from mongering, trying to keep it that way.
  4. No, for the simple reason that I don't wanna bring any girl back to a house I'm sharing with others. That would make shit very awkward.. Maybe you're asking the wrong crowd.
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