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somluck01 last won the day on August 23 2020

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  1. Is it realistic for 50kg BG to drink a more than bottle tequila and still be standing? Is it realistic for a BG to drink that much for months? I have seen bar tabs posted where a BGs (by name and number) had drunk 30, 40, 50, 60 tequilas (1 - 2) bottles? I wonder how many bar fines the BGs get with a cost of about 10,000 baht for ST?
  2. I believe that there is about 15 shots in a bottle of tequila. So the BG needs to drink a bottle and 1/3 of a bottle of tequila before they can be bar fined? A couple of ST would be 2 and 2/3 bottles. I have send posted here examples of the 'biggest' bar tabs where individual BGs (listed on the bill by their no.) have drunk 30 - 50+ tequila shots.
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