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Posts posted by hockey

  1. Nice photos of caddies. I once played golf in Bangkok and had this pretty girl caddying for me and noticed that she speaks adequate English. Few months later, I went to the Bangkok office and asked the GM there that I noticed a new girl working in the office  which looked familiar..........Turned out that this girl was my caddy!! LOL.

  2. There is usually a door man there, not necessary to check for COvid as was the case previously. Have been using that hotel regularly until a few trips ago. No problems bringing in girls at all.

    Also, instead of entering the entrance where the doorman stands, there are other entrances that you can entry. So not an issue. Some of these entrances, they are locked after a certain time in the evenings but you can use your key card to unlock!!

  3. Speaking of freelancers in the bar, I was there many years ago having a drink and had some conversations with 2 FRs there. The next morning although I was sober, I could not walk straight. In short I found out that I was drugged (had whisky in open cup!!) by the 2 girls whom I took to the room upstairs. They work in pairs and when upstairs one of them ask me to put her watch in the safe as she did not want the other girl to steal her watch. The idea is to see if they could get a glimpse of the code to the safe.....  So just beware!!

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