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Posts posted by mikkle

  1. It seems a lot safer than western cities but if you walk around thinking nothing will happen you are asking for trouble.



    I did just this at 2am one night: instead of getting a taxi to my doorstep,to save 30-40 baht i got dropped off over the road by a footbridge, as i came over the foot bridge there was a very strange looking/acting man crouching down on all fours in the middle of it - just like in the scene from the movie Terminator when the terminator lands on earth, except this guy wasn't naked!


    The guy followed me but as i was close to home i was able to walk/sprint faster than him.


    On my description of the man i was told he was a 'yaba' addict, this is a big problem here in the city these days, lots of people on drugs with no money or work.


    I also found out a guy living in my condo was attacked ( on returning home late hours and extremely drunk), mugged and beaten black and blue by a gang just round the corner.


    I have NEVER had any other trouble here but i now try to be more controlled and aware late night.



    As said be careful in dark streets/alleyways, and around tourist areas like the Khao San Road area after hours. Don't get blind drunk and attempt to get home alone, and don't take risks, get a taxi home to your door step or as near as possible 

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