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Noob question: Soi vs. Alley...?

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the naming and numbering convention in bkk is absurd.  no rhyme nor reason to it really.  seems to skip numbers wherever they were so inclined so if for instance you’re used to a grid like nyc you’ll be in for a surprise. 

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On 12/5/2024 at 11:00 AM, picklerick12345 said:

Google probably automated that and is a mistake. Like @itsme said https://translate.google.com/?sl=en&tl=th&text=alley&op=translate

Nope. Some side sois are called alleys not by Google. That's just what a few are called. 

I imagine if you go back a while they might have only been small sois connected to other sois and were connected to Sukhumvit or other main street later.

There are alleys which intersect with numbered sois of the same name and Soi 1's that intersect with other Soi 1's. One is called Soi 1 and one is called Soi 1 Ko. Same street name though. 

Same area has a yaak with the same name as the main street, the numbered sois and the alley which is like a branching intersection. Apparently there are numbered yaaks off of yaaks.

Take comfort that at least Alley 4 aka Sukhumvit Soi 4 is unique vs there being a mix of sois, alleys and yaaks.

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